This machine comes with the following as standard:
Franke build premium bean-to-cup coffee machines, and we specialise in tailoring them to meet your specific needs.
With 20 years trading, we know how to put together the best machine deals on the internet for excellence in every cup.
Ready to get started?
Call us today on 0333 222 4020 or click the button below to connect with one of our coffee machine experts.
Call 0333 222 4020 or click the button below for a call back.
For venues serving up to 250 cups a day:
The best of two worlds: The S700 marries the best of two coffee worlds - the intelligent technology of the fully automatic Franke A-Line range combined with the creative capacity of a 2-step-machine of a traditional barista.
Automatic Steam Arm: The two-step drinks process means you can steam milk in a jug and hand-pour drinks for your customers without any of the investment and time to train baristas.
Creativity unleashed: Enjoy making anything from cappuccinos and flat whites to iced coffees. With no milk fridge, you can also serve non-dairy drinks with ease.
Green machine: Save power in downtime with the S700's eco mode.
Long-term value: With fixed priced service plans, you can count on Franke to keep your machine running for years to come.
Recommended Beans: CLASSIC ESPRESSO
Below are some useful videos on how to clean your machine and general maintenance. Following these guidelines will ensure your coffee machine is kept in the best possible condition and reduce the need for unnecessary repairs.
Daily Cleaning:
Weekly Cleaning:
Further useful information on this product can be found by clicking the "Helpfiles & Documents" tab above.
Data sheet